Monday, September 14, 2009

Review: Stone - Levitation

Style: American Amber / Red Ale
ABV: 4.40%

If I recall correctly, this is basically a baby version of the Stone XI recipe (which later became Sublimely Self-Righteous). All in all, it's pretty mild for a Stone brew. From the appearance, great carbonation, leading to a soupy head. Kind of cloudy on the inside, but looks quite refreshing. Smells unspecifically of hops, sort of a generic IPA smell. Tastes like a mild, sessionable IPA. Earthy and grapefruity hops, just in lesser quantities than you usually get from Stone. The carbonation really helps this one along, low carbonation and it would be quite eh, but since the flavors are more muted, it helps keep things moving along. Pretty easy session IPA/Amber/whathaveyou, nothing earth-shattering.

A: 4/5
S: 11/15
T: 36/50
M: 13/15
D: 12/15

T: 76%

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