Sunday, September 13, 2009

Review: Dieu du Ciel - Equinoxe du Printemps

Starting with this post, I'll graciously rip off pictures from GIS, hooray!

Style: Scotch Ale / Wee Heavy
ABV: 9.50%

The first thing you notice is that the label art is awesome. Every beer Dieu du Ciel creates is like this, I would love to have a print or litho of any of them. Dieu du Ciel is best known for Peche Mortel, an Imperial Coffee Stout and favorite of many, myself included. Since then, I've had many quality beers from them, and this one is no exception.

It's billed as a Scotch Ale brewed with maple syrup. A lot of the scotch ales I've had try to be more like the Wee Heavys, less sweet and more peaty. It pours a deep, kind of sludgy deep honeyed color with just the slightest indication of head. Thickness is more like a stout, or a really thick Belgian Pale. The syrup adds a good deal of viscosity to it. Smells sugary, like a candy/molasses bomb. I at least can smell the syrup. The taste is like basically like a stronger Scottish Ale, very malt heavy, little hop balance, sweet and sticky on the palate. A massive malt bomb, that will only get better with age (although it is very drinkable right now, not too boozey at all). Next time I try one, I will lay it down for a while and see how it changes. But this makes for a great dessert beer.

A: 3/5
S: 11.5/5
T: 44/50
M: 13/15
D: 12/15

T: 83.5%

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