Sunday, September 20, 2009

Review: Harpoon - Glacier Harvesr 09 (100 Barrel #28)

Style: American Pale Ale
ABV: 6.70%

The newest offering in the 100 Barrel Series, a release of the Glacier Harvest they did last year. Seems awfully soon to me, I'd love to see some of the older 100 Barrel beers rereleased... Triticus, Barleywine, Imperial Stout, Lambic... at least not something a year old. Oh well.

Nice frothy head, that light-cidery-brown in color. Smells of piney and grapefruity hops, a bit soapy. Tastes more of hops, less of a malt presence. Not a ton of bitterness with the hops, though, nice and just slightly bitter. A bit thin through the mouth, which works against it a bit, it doesn't have the carbonation to carry it through. Easy enough to drink, but just OK overall. Probably won't seek this one out again.

A: 3/5
S: 11/15
T: 38/50
M: 10/15
D: 12/15

Total: 74%

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