Sunday, September 20, 2009

Review: Harpoon - UFO Pale Ale

This one just came in, I gots a free sample to take home. So new, I can't find any of the info for it. Pours standard yellowish-brown and fizzy, decent hop aroma coming off of it. Nothing spectacular though. It seems to have more heft to it than the other UFOs I've tried, some interesting slightly sweeter-than-normal malting. Decent if unmemorable hop flavor, not really biting, a bit grapefruity. Kind of just slides off the palate, without being real creamy, or cloying, or anything. Decently drinkable. Kind of eh in pretty much every way, which exceeded expectation.

A: 3/5
S: 11/15
T: 35/50
M: 10/15
D: 11/15

T: 71%

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