Thursday, September 10, 2009

Review: Newport Storm - Luke

Style: American Amber / Red Ale
ABV: 8.6%

The first thing you notice is the billowing head - even a modest pour leads to a rush of bubbles just barely contained in my glass. Biscuity head, a rich filtered amber in color. Smells sort of like an IPA, maybe a bit maltier, but grapefruity and earthy hops rise to the forefront. Basically, it tastes like an imperial amber ale that's shorter on hops. It begins like a standard sessionable IPA, clean, earthy hops, a bit of malt that carries into the back palate, where it takes on a life of its own. It tastes crisp, I think being unfiltered, with some yeast floaties would inject a bit of life into it. It isn't bad as it stands now, though, and definitely carries its alcohol well. Mild, pleasant hop aromas linger on the tongue.

If I were Newport Storm, I would have considered switching this release with Kim - put the refreshing IPA-style up in the summer, and save the Imperial Marzen as a complement to Oktoberfest. Like the other Cyclone Series beers I've had, this one is pretty good, but nothing to wow me.

A: 4/5
S: 11/15
T: 39/50
M: 12/15
D: 13/15

T: 79%
BA: 3.95/5, B+

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