Thursday, September 10, 2009

Review: Three Floyds - Alpha King

Style: American Pale Ale
ABV: 6.00%

Pours a pale wheatish color, thin and unremarkable head - nothing memorable visually. Smell is that of fresh citrusy hops, and some biscuity malt. Excellent balance between the two sides, even though I think this bottle is a few months old, grapefruity hops come through boldly, with no soapiness or bitterness. Clean hoppiness, no off-bitterness or any unwanted flavors. Hoppiness is subdued in a good way, controlled yet still assertive. Biscuity malt comes in to balance it out, doesn't get too bready or sharp along the way. Mouthfeel is crisp and refreshing, just like a pale ale should be. Interesting hop character balanced out by strong malt. Fairly low in alcohol, combined with strong drinkability makes this a nice treat.

A: 3/5
S: 12/15
T: 42/50
M: 11/15
D: 13/15

T: 81%

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