Sunday, September 20, 2009

Review: North Coast - Old Stock Ale

Style: Old Stock Ale
ABV: 12.50%

Oddly enough, this is one of a few North Coast beers we don't get in MA (Cru D'or and the Rasputin anniversary series being the others). I don't get it, but such is life. I'm sampling a 2007 vintage so graciously provided by my Minnesota BA buddy, BDLbrewster.

This to me is the definition of a sessionable old ale. My only other experience previous to such a thing was with Founder's Curmudgeon, and I hated it. Far too smokey for me. This one pours almost jet black, not much signs of carbonation or life. This is actually a good thing, however, as too much carbonation would subdue all that's going on. It really doesn't smell as strongly as I would have figured, either. Bit of vinuous acidic fruit lying underneath layers and layers of peaty malt - not too smokey, but tobaccoey, a bit leathery. A good dose of that slightly acrid chewy-spicy taste, also. This is another one that lingers pleasantly on the palate, tasting for an hour or more after like smokey licorice. Very pleasant, and not overwhelming. A great go-to old ale that belies it's very high ABV with superb drinkability. North Coast is just awesome.

A: 3/5
S: 11/15
T: 44/50
M: 13/15
D: 13/15

Total: 84%

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