Saturday, September 12, 2009

Review: Van Honsebrouck - Bacchus

Style: Fruit / Vegetable Beer
ABV: 4.50%

Sampled last night, going off memory. Pours without much fanfare, rusty brown into the glass without a ton of carbonation or pretty bubbles. Thin head without much retention. Smells slightly vinegaric, slightly fruity. If I had to pin the taste down to any one area, it is like a very very light version of a flanders red, only sweeter. Lightly tart, somewhere between a more vinegaric sour and the sweet backing of the fruitier sours. Light bodied, low in alcohol, it's almost like a cider, except I'd rather drink a cider if I want a cider.

Normally, I don't consider price too extensively, unless I'm recommending something for someone. If memory serves, this was a $6 or $7 bottle, a corked 375. There are quite a few Belgians I'll go to first, for the same price or cheaper. If I want something sour, I'll go toward Duchesse de Bourgeone. For the same price, Roche 10 blows this out of the water, taste and quality-wise (although they are different styles obviously). For the price, it was a bit dissappointing. It's OK, but nothing greater.

A: 2.5/5
S: 10/15
T: 37/50
M: 11/15
D: 13/15

Total: 73.5%

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