Sunday, September 20, 2009

Review: Victory - Hop Whallop

Style: American Imperial / Double IPA
ABV: 8.50%

This my last halfassed review for the night, I promise. All caught up after this one.

Pours a lot lighter than I was expecting. Like a typical macro light lager, except less fizzy and a little more syrupy. Smells of muted hops, not the flourishing bouquet I would expect. Date is Feb 9 '10, which I assume is 1yr out, so this is at about 6-7 months since bottling, not ideal, but I don't think it's bad or anything. Tastes again, muted hops, it's like they are struggling to come out, but can't quite make it. There's a good deal of malt, but not overpowering by any stretch. Slight pineyness and that's it. Like a regular IPA, not a DIPA. Moderately filling, carbonation just at the appropriate level, i guess it's not bad, but I had expected a lot more from it.

A: 3/5
S: 10/15
T: 34/50
M: 11/15
D: 12/15

Total: 70%

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